
Types of Canting (Stylus)

(I) By function, there are two types of canting:

(a) Rengrengan

This canting is used to draw the initial figurations or outlines (the rengrengan). Performing this work is called ngengreng. The pattern followed in this initial figuration is in copy of a specimen. Rengrengan can also be interpreted as a framework. Usually the rengrengan canting is used to make this framework (outlines), whereas the fill-in (isen) of the field is batiked with the isen canting in accordance with the detail desired. The result shows the pattern in either outline or, when filled-in, the entire motif. The rengrengan canting has medium-sized, single spout.

(b) Isen Canting

The isen canting is a stylus used in filling in the field with complementary motifs. It may have one or more narrow spouts.

(II) By size, there are three types of canting:

According to the size of the spout, these differentiations are made:

(a) Small-spouted canting,

(b) Medium-spouted canting, and

(c) Large-spouting canting.

(III) By number of spouts:

According to the number of spouts, the following differentiations are made:

(a) Cecekan Canting

It has one small spout, used to make small dots (cecekan). Making small dots with this device is called nyeceki. It may also be used to draw fine lines.

(b) Loron Canting

It has two spouts. One on the top of the other, used to make double lines.

(c) Telon Canting

It has three spouts in a triangular placement. When it is used, small triangles formed of three dots appear in the fill-in.

(d) Papatan Canting

It has four spouts to make four corners of a square to fill in the field.

(e) Liman Canting

It has five spouts to make small squares formed of four corner dots with one dot in the centre.

(f) Byok Canting

It has seven or more spouts used to form small dotted ellipses, the number of dots determined by the number of spouts or the size of the ellipse. The spouts of the byok canting are ordinarily uneven in number.

(g) Renteng or Galaran Canting

It has always an even number of spouts, four to six, laid from bottom to top.

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